how to order

after you choose which item(s) do you like, you may follow these steps:
1. you have to send your order to our email (, consists of these information:
  • your name
  • your address (includes City & Zipcode)
  • phone number
  • the selected item code(s) & quantity

2. we will reply your email to confirm your order, and tell you the payment information (the total amount will be including the shipping cost).

3. you will have to complete your payment, by transferring the total amount to our bank account (BCA or Bank Mandiri).

4. after your payment is completed, kindly please send the payment confirmation to our email.

5. we will be waiting for your payment confirmation in 2 days. if there is no confirmation in 2 days, your order will be automatically cancelled.

6. after we receive your payment confirmation email, we will prepare your order to be shipped. the shipping process is only in working days (Monday-Friday).

Happy shopping, dear beautifuls! :)